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How to Get Good Bokeh on a Photo

 What is Bokeh? Bokeh is out-of-focus light in the shape of your aperture. In its simplest form, bokeh is a blurry background made up of circles. How to Get More Bokeh There are a few steps to follow to get the most bokeh in an image. Reduce your aperture (f/ number) to the lowest it will go. This is usually somewhere around f/2.8 to f/4 for most lenses. Increase the distance between the camera and the subject. Find a background for the subject with lots of detail if possible. This can be something like a tree or a wall. Increase the distance between the subject and the background. Add additional lights to the background or reflective surfaces to add additional colors and detail to the bokeh. End Result The final result for your photo should have your subject in sharp focus against a heavily blurred background from your low aperture (f/ number). If you don’t get the result you want, the easiest solution is to try increasing the distance between the subject and the background. This is b
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Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality

What is Virtual Reality? Virtual reality (VR) can be described as a fully virtualized environment with no relation to the world around you. When in VR, there is complete isolation from the room. What is Augmented Reality? Augmented reality (AR) is different from VR, bringing in elements of the real world. In AR, you may have a physical table in your room that you can now put virtual objects on top of. Introduction of Mixed Reality While VR and AR can provide some immersion, the widespread development of mixed reality, sometimes called MR, offers improvements. For example, MR headsets such as the Meta Quest 3, Vive XR Elite, and Apple Vision Pro allow virtual objects to interact with your physical space. Unlike AR, MR allows for a more immersive experience by using the physical space around you as part of your virtual world.